Learn ~ Inspire ~ Embody


Merryn offers specialised training in movement, anatomy and bodywork. Accessing a diverse range of healing modalities, cultural philosophy and modern medicine, Merryn presents in such a way that is digestible, inspiring and applicable. With 22yrs experience and training with some of the world leaders of bodywork, here depth and embodiment is profound and captivating. Her devotional teaching is directed towards structural energetics and how the body tells the story of the soul, lifespan, mind and emotions. Most trainings are invested in Zenthai and its powerful transmission. 2023 emerges an insightful body of work that Merryn has been developing for decades, known to you as “Structural Energetics”


Training with Merryn Jane - Structural Energetics, Zenthai Foundations, Zenthai Therapists Program & Pregnancy Zenthai.

Events & Bookings

Community, connection and heart fuelled healing in the event space. Sacredness of holding space and supporting one another to Learn ~ Inspire ~ Embody.

Structural Energetics

SE is an approach to healing that involves talk, movement and touch, to inform the body of freedom and liberation.

Expressions of gratitude

“All things are connected like the blood that unites us. We do not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”

— Chief Seattle
